The IFCB Imaging FlowCytobot

The Imaging FlowCytobot (IFCB) is a submersible robot that takes high-resolution pictures of marine microorganisms. Paired with artificial intelligence, genus or even species level classifications of the captured images of the cells can be determined. This real-time data helps scientists understand the dynamics of marine ecosystems and allows a more proactive approach towards harmful algal bloom (HAB) monitoring.

Explore the machine below. Click the points to read about the functions of some of its parts.

IFCB Cell Density
IFCB Cell Density Graph can't be loaded at this moment.
Representative Images
No representative images found.
Taxonomic Group:
Additional Information:
  • Species name: {{ selectedRepresentativeImage.species_name }}
  • Datetime collected: {{ selectedRepresentativeImage.datetime }}
  • Site: {{ }}
  • Latitude: {{ selectedRepresentativeImage.latitude }}
  • Longitude: {{ selectedRepresentativeImage.longitude }}
  • Biovolume: {{ selectedRepresentativeImage.biovolume }}