Noctiluca Bloom in Villareal Bay, Samar
Noctiluca Bloom in Villareal Bay, Samar
Noctiluca Bloom in Villareal Bay, Samar
Noctiluca Bloom in Villareal Bay, Samar
Noctiluca Bloom in Villareal Bay, Samar
After sampling and monitoring last May 24, 2023, HABs Watch Project collaborators from UP Tacloban College have confirmed a bloom event in Villareal Bay in Samar due to the unusually high cell count of Noctiluca in all sampling sites.
Cell counts reached more than a million in all three stations, which averaged at 1,123,000. While not a toxin producer, it can produce a huge amount of ammonium during a bloom which may be toxic to fish and can lead to fish kill.
The team has informed the local government units and relevant agencies and today we can finally let you know. This highlights the importance of consistent sampling and monitoring efforts, especially for bloom events, to safeguard the Filipino people through science.